Easy Stir Fry Sauce Recipe Anyone Can Make

This easy stir fry sauce recipe is so good that you will find yourself looking for ways to turn leftovers into stir fry just to get to make this sauce. It just takes a few ingredients and once you have them on hand, you can make this any time you want. If you don’t have the rice vinegar, just substitute with apple cider- it hits just the same. If you don’t have chicken broth, substitute it with plain old water it just won’t have the rich nutrients included with the broth.

Here are the ingredients for this easy stir fry sauce recipe:

  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 3/4 cup chicken broth
  • 2 garlic cloves crushed or minced
  • 2 teaspoons of corn starch or arrow root to thicken it
  • 1 teaspoon rice wine vinegar (I’ve used apple cider or red wine vinegar in the past with good results too)
  • 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger (you can use some minced fresh if you have it)
  • 1 Tablespoon oil of choice
  • 1 Tablespoon of honey

You’ll also note that most recipes for stir fry sauce call for a sesame oil, because I don’t have this, I just substitute an oil that I have on hand, like olive oil or peanut oil. To get that sesame oil flavor in my stir fry dishes, I just toast a Tablespoon of sesame seeds, found in the spice isle, in the pan before starting my stir fry and then add them back to the dish at the end. Make sense? Ok, let’s move on.

Here is Picture Tutorial on Making This Easy Stir Fry Sauce Recipe

After all the ingredients are in the jar, you can place a lid on it and shake it up to combine or just stir it like I did to get the honey off the spoon. Did you all know that old miracle whip and peanut butter lids fit most canning jars?

I always try to make this ahead of time so that I can have it ready when it’s time to cook. That way I don’t have to worry about the mess this makes while putting it together. Its seems like I have corn starch everywhere! They say the best cooks are the messiest and boy I must be GOOD! I am messy. I always say that I’m the happiest when most of my dishes are dirty and half my cabinet doors are open because then you know I have been busy in the kitchen.

So that is the easy stir fry sauce recipe I have been telling you all about. If you want to see how I made the actual stir fry for the sauce to go on, check it out here: Stir Fry Dish

Mary Stage: