This is a garden perennial that keeps on giving, all summer long! I started out with a small half gallon pot of these Brown Eyed Susans just a couple of years ago. They grown in diameter each year. This year, I plan to break up the root base and transfer to the dreary corners of the farm. The picture below is the Rudbeckia from the first year I planted it in the garden. It is the one only green in the forefront of the below image. That’s a marigold in the background. They reseed themselves in odd areas of the garden and I usually just leave them unless they are in the way.
Does Rudbeckia Come Back Year After Year?
You bet it does! It is a perennial plant. It comes back bigger and better each year. I was really surprised at how wide the base of this coneflower has become in such a short time.
Our Rudbeckia is now over 36 inches in diameter. It may be even bigger this year when it comes up. Like I already said, I plan on splitting it up this year to add their beauty to parts of the farm that could use a face lift, so to say.

These rudbeckia are such a cheerful color and require very little care. They add a beautiful color to our vegetable garden. They also bring in natural pollinators like bees and wasps. I never deadhead them unless I’m using them as cut flowers in a vase. This allows them to seed out and provide the birds with something throughout the winter months. Often the ground here is snow covered for more than a month at a time making it hard for the native birds to find something to eat. These rudbeckia rise above the deepest snow we get here to provide that essential food for them.
What are Common Names for Rudbeckia?
People often call them Black-Eyed Susan or Brown-Eyed Susans. They are for sure called a coneflower, but are not Echinacea, which can be confusing. They both come from the same plant family but they aren’t even closely related to each other.
Get Some for Yourself!
I recommend planting and growing your own Rudbeckia this year if you can find it as a plant in your garden center. You can see for yourself just how easy it is to grow and maintain around your garden. I love the idea of it being a perennial plant that I don’t have to keep re-buying each spring.
What is Your Garden Favorite?
Do you have an easy to grow, favorite plant in your garden? Feel free to share it in the comments of this page so that others can be inspired to try growing it for themselves too. We must share the knowledge we have with others and the comments section is where to do it!
Order Seeds From Amazon
As an affiliate, we earn a commission for telling you about these seeds if you choose to buy them. It helps us keep the farm going!
If you can’t find them as a potted plant, you can grown them from seeds. It may take a little longer to get blooms but they are worth the wait! A person who plants a seed has hope for the future!